The following video talks about a method of making the people accepting unconditional submission. They are confronted with the worst reality possible with no escape until they lower down their arms and follow the regime. They face unemployment repression and even torture in case they fight the regime. Again torture is done in the worst way possible so that people won’t try again. This was done in Chile. Here in Portugal in 200* we heard about the technological shock and lately 2011 the entrepreneur shock, but the real shock was the unemployment! They expect to put people moving finding their own solutions, as vaccines put our body in movement creating resistance to diseases. They expect this way the job market to regulate by itself and solve any problems, this theory even got the Nobel price… Of course this always leads to jungle law, the one that George Bush says to be opposed to… The rich become more rich and the poor more poor, before the rich had some opponency from the governments but now with all their money they can buy whatever they want with no one in their way, they make the rules, it’s jungle law! (do a search on on "the shock doctrine", the version that I had posted now gives an error)
see alternative versions on: (portuguese translation)
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